Benefits of Pranayama

Experience the calming power of your breath

Calm the central nervous system, reduce anxiety and stress. Create balance and discipline. Prana is vital life energy. Pranayama is the process used to increase energy. In pranayama practices, we use prana in the form of our breath to activate the body to higher frequencies.

What's included?


  • Pranayama Tutorials

    You’ll get video tutorials for essential pranayama: Purifying Kapalbhati, Breath of Fire Calming Ujjayi, Ocean Breath Balancing Nadi Shodhana, Alternate Nostril Breathing

  • Morning Pranayama Sequence

    A 15 minute sequence using a blend of exercises that are best completed in the morning on an empty stomach to stimulate energy, digestive fire and calm the central nervous system.

  • Evening Pranayama Sequence

    A 15 minute sequence using a blend of exercises for the afternoon and evenings that help to rebalance energies, remove us from flight or fight mode and over stimulation from electronics and life.

Breathe Bundle

Control your energy, increase inspiration.

Suitable if you’re new to breathing techniques, as well as a regular pranayama practitioner.